Friday, November 2, 2018

25 momths

At 25 months you just started having tantrums thus the past two weeks have been emotionally draining on me.

You love going in the pantry for snacks but don’t really eat anything but you keep going back!

You’re great at the playground and act like a real little boy not a baby anymore. You love to slide. You love being read to, playing with cars, drawing with street chalk and pushing cars.

You can say,:

1. Car
2. Where did it go
3.  mom mommy
4. daddy
5. Eddi
6. nommies,
7. ar (drink)
8. eeth (teeth)
9. night night
10. help
11. wow
12. oh no
13. ball
14. boo bah (Bobby and any boy)
15. vroom
16. where’s the car
17. awe
18.  arf
19 where’s Daddy
20 gone
21 all gone
22. daddy gone ( you said this when asking if he was gone for work)
24 beep beep
25. all done
26. there it is
27. hallo (hello)

You know your belly button and nose