I had the urge to nest bad. There was so much to be done. Your dad finally took off Wednesday to help "finish" your room.
We went to the dr and thought I was leaking but nope, still 3 cm. I was a bit upset that were wasn't any movement.
I was able to see you twice this week once on Wednesday and then on Thursday! I really thought you would be a 9/1 baby then in the middle of the night Friday (the 2nd) I had bad cramps. Around an hour later I realized there was a start and end to them! I laid in bed and started tracking them- I heard your dad on the computer but I stayed quiet in case it was nothing- 45 minutes in he walked in and I realized I was def contracting so we called the dr and headed in.
It was perfect timing we left at four and got there around five and best traffic! Tg! I was brought into to l and d fast. I was afraid they were going to send me home I was still only 3 cm but I was having consistent contractions and 80% effaced. I think the process of getting checked in by the nurses took the longest which wasn't even long. I remember having the urge to poop and vomit along with the pain and all the wires attached made it hard to focus on breathing through. Before I knew it the anesthesiologist was there with the epidural I really thought they were going to make me labor through it before giving it to me. The epidural was scary and I was afraid I would tense up during a contraction but I didn't. I did throw up though...
The epidural gave relief fast and I felt like myself if not better. I wiggled my toes as much as I could because I was afraid of losing feeling. Dr Moore came into break my water. It didn't hurt if anything I think it felt good? Maybe less pressure. At that time we realized you had your first bowel movement so they had to drain me. Honestly I think the epidural helped the most because you didn't realize you were all open and not lady like. If I could feel what was going on down there I think I would naturally be tensed up and uncomfortable.
They started the pitocin and told us to take a nap but before that could happen I felt pressure and the need to push so we called them in there and believe it or not it was time. I had a strange wow this is happening moment as they were getting me in position. Everything just slowed down and there was peace and silence in that one second.
The pushing wasn't bad. I did realize I was pushing my feet into their arms and I realized I was doing the opposite of what I needed. I also thought of all the things I read where women pushed then went weak at the end so the head went back in so at the end of each push I pushed harder! They felt your head fast and within 45 minutes you were here. I didn't feel any pain when you came out I actually thought you came out earlier. I'm not sure what I saw! For some reason that final push is something I can't stop thinking about one minute you're in me the next right here.
They plopped you on my chest for a second then whisked you away to be checked. I don't remember much about me getting fixed but I do remember you. After your bath they were going to bring you to me but I said let your daddy hold you first. He was by you the entire time. Then they brought you to me...
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