Here's a recap of my 12 weeks!
Baby Growth: This week Bravo is developing reflexes and can open and close his or her fingers! Bravo is roughly 2 inches long (size of a lime) and weighs half of an ounce.
Symptoms: Nothing! Thank the lord! I feel normal again! The only thing I have noticed is when I get tired I literally feel sick now. Sleep is not an option! Also, if I am on my feet to long they kill. But other then that I feel normal again.
Weight: I've gained 8 pounds! BUT I had gained that amount by 2 months and since then I haven't gained anymore. The doctor said my weight is perfect.
Gender: I still think a boy! Michael is now thinking a girl! Shelba, Ron and my mom think boy!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet but soon. My "fat girl" dress pants barely fit and no lie, the buttons on my size 8 pants flew off 2 weeks ago.
Movement: I don't feel anything yet but we saw sweet baby K swaying at our last appointment. We also saw him try to flip but with little success :)
Sleep: I feel tired all the time. If I don't rest I will feel sick and pay for it the next day. I have also been waking up at 3 every night... I don't know what that's about.
Cravings: Luckily they have calmed down. I am not really craving anything in particular. I still can't tolerate ground beef, and/or tomato old favorites.
What I Miss: Running! I've been seeing friends talking about mileage on fb and I've gotten so jealous!
Best Pregnancy Moment of the Week: Seeing baby K healthy at our ultra sound. Telling Shelba and Ron about baby K.
Questions/Concerns: I am really curious about how to prepare my body for birth.
Goals for this Week: Work on getting back in a routine. This being tired thing has really messed things up. Keep up with my chores- our house isn't bad but its not up my normal cleaning standards :) Also, laundry. I've been too tired to fold clothes so there are piles everywhere- ew!
Belly Pictures:
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