You kicked out of your wrap in the middle of the night! I dont even know how you did that!
Your grip is getting better! I am telling you, you are made for judo with that grip!
We took you to the Olive Garden and you did well but was so tense waiting for u to cry that I didnt enjoy myself.
You have a little bald spot that popped yp last week and it's getting big probably because you move so much.
You got a new car seat because of the accident.
Mommy still doesnt feel well.
On Monday you were extremly colicky. You were up from 5:30am u and finally went down around 8pm. It was rough! You actually didnt fall asleep until I laid you in bed beside me but that did the trick and you went into a deep sleep.
You were great on Halloween. You just laid in our arms as we took you around the neighborhood.
I took you to the doctor on Monday because you barfed up a clear sticky liquid. It freaked me out because I was concerned it would effect your breathing. You were fine of course. I felt dumb going in but I was scared.
You started to laugh and in your sleep! I wish I knew what sweet things you were dreaming about! Then u did it again in the wee hours of the morning the next day.
You weigh 11 lbs
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