Thursday, December 1, 2016

23 Weeks Pregnant

We met Gigi and Pop Pop in Alpharetta to look for cribs. It was a lot of fun. Of course Michael wanted dark wood and I wanted white! I gave in without a fight though.  There is something so much sturdier about varnished wood. While shopping I bought new clothes and I feel so much better! I also bought a swim suit and feel so cute! It was strange seeing how much more room I have left in my swim suit to grow and it made me a  little nervous about how big the bump
may get! I feel adorable right now! I'm not big but you know I am pregnant and my skin is the clearest its been in years.

Nesting is kicking in and I am making a list of to do before you come.

I saw u kick through my shirt Sunday night.

My feet swelled after work- they really hurt too. I am not sure if its from the weight gin or just pregnancy but I am getting a stool for work.

My dad came down and helped Mike clean out the garage this weekend- thank god!

I  wrote a list of things I want done before you come to try and entice your dad to get a move on things!

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