Thursday, December 1, 2016

3 Weeks Old

You are def feeling better! Gigi visited Saturday and you were out all day which is not the norm for you little guy!

That night I sang to you and read to you in your nursery.  It was so nice and you were so calm! I loved it.

I realized I don't know any baby songs and I will have to look up lyrics I did bust out random parts of Disney songs.Speaking of which I cant wait to take you to one-day!

Sunday you were wide awake and when you were up you wanted to be held all day. You scared me by the amount you through up the other day and I wasn't sure if it was projectile or normal.

Then woo, Wednesday and Thursday were rough nights. You thrashed when we went to feed you and refused to rest! The eating thing is awful and I am thinking it is because of reflux.

We went to the dr to follow up on weight and you are back up to your birth weight up and six ounces from last week. We are so happy about that.

You started to coo this week. Not a lot but u started.

We started giving you baths in the tub and  I'm not sure if you like it but you aren't crying! I can't wait till your older and we can play.

On Monday I watched you alone with out daddy and it was rough.

I ordered the Tula insert and it came in this week. We tried it out on Friday and you loved it. I did notice we were both sweaty after wearing it. I know I am hot natured and I hope being that close to me doesnt effect you so its something I need to watch.

Sunday (today) I fed you at four and walked around with you then put you in your cradle and I went to pump. When I came upstairs you were restless so I went to check on you and you were covered in vomit and I mean vomit not spit up. I felt so bad!!!! I am rocking you right now. If I put you down you cry! I really  need to bathe you in a bit because that junks in your hair.

Later that day Shelba and Ron came to see you and took you to your first sit down. We went to blue agave. You were a really good boy and just slept. Mommy had an alcohol free beer and tried your fathers sweet water - yuck guess I have to get used to the hopsy taste.

You also met your cousins this week!! You laid next to isla and it was so cute I can't believe you t both here. I hope that you guys are close!

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